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Revenue Forecast
Updated over a week ago

Learn how to utilize the Revenue Forecast page in Coincraft.

Video Walkthrough

Written Guide

To access the Revenue Forecast, navigate to the Forecasts tab and click on 'Revenue Forecast'.

By default, you will be presented with the Revenue versus Expenses report.

Understanding the Revenue Forecast Graph

The graph on the Revenue Forecast page uses three colors to represent different financial scenarios:

  • Gold: This color represents revenue. When the revenue surpasses expenses, the graph is colored gold.

  • Black: This color represents expenses. When revenue and expenses overlap, the graph is colored gray.

  • Red: This color signifies loss. When expenses exceed revenue, the graph turns red.

Please note that slightly shaded areas on the graph represent prospective projects. These are potential revenues that have yet to be confirmed.

Reviewing Project Breakdown

Scroll down to the Projects section to view the breakdown of projects grouped by status. Active projects are listed first, followed by prospective projects.

Editing the Forecast Table

You can adjust the fee amount for any project by clicking on the value you wish to edit.

Note: If the fee exceeds the agreed amount, the numbers will turn red.

If the values do not align with your agreed fee, navigate to the Projects tab > Projects List.

Ensure you have set up the dates to distribute the fee over and edit the fee value. Click 'Save' > 'Save project'.

On returning to the Revenue Forecast page, the project should now display a positive percentage for all the agreed fee projections.

Staff Expenses

The 'Staff' section displays expenses based on the staff pay rate and the number of working days in a month.

Setting Up Expenses

To set up overhead expenses, navigate to the Organisation tab > Overhead Expenses.

Note: This may not provide 100% accuracy but offers a good indication of future business performance.

Click '+Add Expense' and complete the necessary details. Click 'Save expenses'.

Upon returning to the Revenue Forecast section, you should see the Expenses listed at the bottom of the page.

Filtering Projects

If you wish to view specific projects in the Revenue Forecast section, click on 'Show Filters' and adjust the filter fields to your preference.

Saving and Duplicating Filters

To save your filters for future use, click 'Save', then 'Save' again.

Enter a name for your report and click 'Save report'.

To duplicate a filter, click 'Save', then 'Save as'.

Enter a new report name and click 'Save Report'.

Exporting/Printing Report

To export or print your report, simply click on the 'Export' or 'Print' buttons. Please note that exported files will be in Excel file format.

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